Dot to Dots: Lennon Wall Subway
Dot to Dots is a common educational game for young children. The hidden "big picture" is revealed when a line is drawn connecting a sequence of numbered dots.
I record the scribbled, smudged and torn wall in Lennon Wall Subway and imagine the constantly modified marks as the archaeological and historical objects discovered years later. I create a set of Dot to Dots worksheet with the blurry shapes, with the unrecognised ‘big pictures’ hidden inside.
Though seeking the tiny clues with magnifying glass and connecting the dots with correction pen, an act of filling gaps and reconstructing the future history is proceed, and the unknown preset picture is being seek. Though filling the space between dots, new traces are added on the walls once again. The hidden picture eventually appears. This maybe the official model answer, or part of the truth restoration, or a new image created under the interference of the participants’ will. The only certain thing is that the walls have become unrecognisable.
The work
@lennonwall.hk #lennonwalldot2dots
How to Participate
1. 參加者可進行遙距學習,自行下載和列印工作紙, 然後tag/dm @lennonwall.hk。
Participates can join the distance learning by downloading and printing out the online worksheet, and send/tag your work to @lennonwall.hk.
Worksheet download:
2. 作品現正於「哪有一點藝術地頭」野生藝術節展出,參加者可在現場獲得工作紙。
This work is now showing in "Art Guerrilla Anytime" Wild Art Festival 2020. Participates can obtain the worksheet in the exhibition venue.
日 期 :2020年7月1日至15日
時 間 :正午12時至晚上7時 (逢星期二至日)
地 點 :艺鵠(香港灣仔軒尼詩道365-367號富德樓14樓)
"Art Guerrilla Anytime"
Wild Art Festival 2020
Date: 1-15 July 2020
Time: 12nn to 7pm every Tuesday to Sunday
Venue: Art and Culture Outreach
14/F, Foo Tak Building,
365-367 Hennessy Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong)
How to Sumbit
To submit your work, you can
1) 放到功課怪獸的口中
Feed the Homework Monster
2) 釘在壁怖板上自行貼堂
Display the worksheet on the board.
If there are too much paper on the board,
take them off and feed them to the Homework Monster.
3) Online submission
Send your work to @lennonwall.hk
post on instagram with #lennonwalldot2dots
email to uncertaintimestudio@gmail.com
You work maybe marked, maybe featured, maybe further followed.