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Now extended till 1 Dec 2019




日 期 :2019年10月4日至31日(延期至12月1日)

時 間 :上午10時至下午8時

地 點 :香港神託會靈基營(沙田沙田頭村102號)

開 幕 :2019年10月4日(五)下午6時至8時

The Dark Matter of a Trichster 


Date:    4-31 Oct 2019 (Extended till 1 Dec)

Time:    10am-8pm 

Venue:   Stewards High Rock Centre

         102 Shatin Tau Village,

         Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Opening: 6-8pm, 4 Oct 2019 (Fri)



陳詠詩的最新個展 《暗物質》源於藝術家的自身幼年經歷 ─ 反覆且無法自控的拉扯自己的頭髮。展覽將展出藝術家由2013年至2019年期間創作的作品,紀錄和探究一個拔毛症患者的衝動、失落、焦慮和創傷。


暗物質是一種不被肉眼所見的謎之物質,它從未被科學家直觀測到,卻佔了宇宙中所有物質比率 84.5%。科學家迄今為止只能以間接的方法和理論去證明暗物質的存在。如同拔毛症一樣,雖然有各式學派的解釋和理論,但成因和治療方法還未有實質的、系統性的科學證據。很多個案都難以察覺,患者亦會隱藏病情,估計全球發病率約0.5-3%




Sirius Chan’s solo exhibition “The Dark Matter of a Trichster” based on the artist’s personal experiences of suffering from trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) starting from her young age. The exhibition will showcase the artist’s works  from 2013 to 2019 include painting and installation, depicting the uncontrollable urge, ecstasy, obsession, depression, isolation and the trauma of a trichster.


Dark matter is the mysterious substance that makes up to approximately 84.5% of the matter in the universe that can not be seen nor detected, and scientists can’t figure out what it’s made of. Just like trichotillomania, the cause and the cure is still unknown. Many cases go unrecognized or unreported. It has been estimated that 0.5-3% of people will experience the condition at some point during life. 


To trichsters, the dark matter could be the obsession of touching the hair, or the anxiety and frustration after pulling, or the bullying and snide remarks that come from school. This exhibition is a self reflective journal comprised with painting and installation, exploring the internal feelings and the evidences of symptoms, hoping to raise the awareness of the disorder. 

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